6G Webinar

6G Webinar

Sándor Laki gave a talk on the second webinar of the 6G Programmable Deterministic Webinar Series, organized by three Horizon Europe projects: PREDICT-6G, DESIRE6G, and DETERMINISTIC6G. This quarterly series aims to delve into the intricate and transformative aspects of these sister projects, featuring expert speakers who will explore the latest developments and innovations shaping the future of 6G technology. Each session will provide in-depth information and foster key discussions for practitioners and researchers dedicated to the next generation of wireless communications.

The second webinar, ‘Enhancements towards management of time-sensitive networks,’ took place on Tuesday, 22 October, at 14:00 CET. It featured Peter Cavalcanti from Intel, Frank Dürr, Simon Egger, Lucas Haug from the University of Stuttgart, and Sándor Laki from ELTE.

The recording of the webinar can be watched on YouTube