
Technical Reports

What are technical report?

A technical report introduces the progress or even results of scientific research. It may include information on experimental details, software development, or plans. These documents describes the process, progress, or results of technical or scientific research or the state of a technical or scientific research problem. It might also include recommendations and conclusions of the research. Unlike other scientific literature, such as scientific journals and the proceedings of some academic conferences, technical reports rarely undergo comprehensive independent peer review before publication. They may be considered as grey literature. Where there is a review process, it is often limited to within the originating organization. Similarly, there are no formal publishing procedures for such reports, except where established locally.

Title File name Szerző Év
Title File name Szerző Év
CodeCompass an Extensible Comprehension Framework Tibor_Brunner.pdf Brunner Tibor 2018
Focusing Education on Energy Efficiency Measurements During Software Testing Csaba_Szabo.pdf Szabó Csaba 2018
Interactive Approach to Coloured Petri Nets Teaching Stefan_Korecko.pdf Korecko, Stefan 2018
Teaching Task Oriented Programming Pieter_Koopman-Rinus_Plasmeijer.pdf Pieter Koopman - Rinus Plasmeijer 2018
Towards an Engineering Discipline for Green Software João Paulo Fernandes and João Saraiva.pdf Fernandes, Joao Paulo - Joao Saraiva 2018
Implementing fault tolerant agreement in JaCaMo Fülöp Endre.pdf Fülöp Endre 2019
Speed estimation evaluation on the KITTI benchmark based on motion and monocular depth information Róbert-Adrian Rill.pdf Rill Róbert Adrián 2019
Knowledge-enriched Schema Mapping: A Preliminary Case Study of e-MedSolution System Knowledge_Enriched_Schema_Mapping_Case_Study_Technical_Report_2020.pdf Chuangtao Ma 2019
AML a Macro Language : revised formal definition Hernáth_Zsolt.pdf Hernáth Zsolt 2021