Thematic Excellence Programme 2021

Thematic Excellence Programme 2021

Thematic Excellence Programme 2021 | National Defence, National Security Subprogramme
Protection of high integrity national services and industrial infrastructures using cybersecurity, technological and legislative instruments

Beneficiaries: Eötvös Loránd University
Funding: 1 000 000 000 HUF
Launch date: 1 January 2022
Completion date: 31 December 2025

Building public, social and economic functions and tasks on reliable and secure information infrastructures is a key issue in the modern information society based on digital ecosystems. With the increasing integration of information technologies into the operation of these sectors, the dependency on their secure operation and protection potential is constantly growing. Due to the resulting challenges, the efficiency of the knowledge flow between basic and applied research, development and innovation is a critical issue. In our project program, we conduct research that addresses the needs of industry and users and supports information security protection, risk management and secure and efficient operations in the government, finance, industry and services sectors.

Three faculties of Eötvös Loránd University: the Faculty of Informatics, the Faculty of Natural Sciences and the Faculty of Law participate in research by defining a system of interdisciplinary and practise-oriented goals, forming active partnerships and continuously expanding the areas of application. The core of our activities is basic and applied computer science and information technology research in the field of cybersecurity, the application of which is studied in three main areas: the creation of a national geospatial data infrastructure, safety-critical industrial and energy developments and financial applications of transactional compliance models.

The rapid development of quantum technologies poses particular security challenges for traditional IT systems and enables security solutions with outstanding properties. Investigating these together is essential given the expected intensification of technological competition.

Our cybersecurity research covers many theoretical and practical aspects of protecting, managing and storing sensitive data, including the validation of cryptographic methods and the development of system analysis and testing procedures.

We apply artificial intelligence methods in the secure encryption and decryption of communication channels. We develop methods for analyzing signals from biometric and in-vehicle sensors and for detecting emergencies.

Our natural and built environment provides a huge amount of data. Using satellite or drone sensors, we can track surface changes (e.g. vegetation, railroad tracks, highways, airports) and vulnerable or critical objects (e.g. border crossings, rockfalls). Spectral and optical sensors can be used to study air pollution, fires, floods and inland waters. Effective mapping and prediction of field changes reduces safety risks. We are developing a unique set of methods and knowledge for processing and storing data collected by multispectral sensors, for which we are also developing sectoral applications.

Energy generation and transmission, materials technology and the digitalization of production processes not only increase efficiency but also the possibility of particular risks. We develop methods to create the conditions for safe operation. These include protection against natural disasters (e.g. wind, object collisions, icing) in the energy supply, reducing the vulnerability of production units and analyzing and ensuring quality requirements for the materials used in the manufacturing process.

We are researching and developing a package of legislative proposals to create a legal environment for the operation of high-risk systems based on artificial intelligence.

We are making proposals on data management and security as well as consumer protection issues. We develop a quality assurance and certification system that promotes reliability and sustainability. Our research, which is based on interdisciplinary, information technology (explanatory artificial intelligence, blockchains) and legal expertise, is primarily used in the financial sector, where it is important to strengthen customer confidence in high-tech processes.

According to analysts, the turnaround in quantum computing is imminent, having predicted serious security problems. The algorithms that can be implemented on quantum computers can be used to crack the encryption of current security solutions. Post-quantum encryption methods that can be carried out on classical computers are attracting more and more attention. They will enable us to protect ourselves against quantum computer attacks.

All this can be complemented by the methods of quantum cryptography, which is based on the fundamental laws of quantum mechanics and enables highly secure physical connections. We will show how the integration of quantum-resistant cryptography protocols with quantum communication technologies results in an extreme level of security and how this can be operationalized in the financial sector. Our goal is to build trust in quantum computing and quantum-resistant security techniques, which are expected to become indispensable technologies in the field of IT security in the near future.