Partnerkeresések Máltáról és Lengyelországból
Horizont Európa pályázati felhívásokkal kapcsolatban érkezett hozzánk két partnerkeresés is:
1. Talaj missziós felhívások - University of Malta
Érintett felhívások:
HORIZON-MISS-2022-SOIL-01-02: Improving food systems sustainability and soil health with food processing residues
HORIZON-MISS-2022-SOIL-01-03: Soil biodiversity and its contribution to ecosystem services
HORIZON-MISS-2022-SOIL-01-10: Innovations for soil improvement from bio-waste
Looking for a project co-ordinator. Also looking for partners with expertise in waste water management, soil monitoring, agricultural robotics and AI, sustainable agricultural strategies or microbiome analysis.
Részletesebb információt és az egyetem partnerkereső űrlapját itt találja.
2. Klaszter 5 (Klíma, energia és mobilitás) – PKN ORLEN
Érintett felhívás:
HORIZON-CL5-2022-D3-02-08: Demonstration of complete value chains for advanced biofuel and non-biological renewable fuel production felhívással kapcsolatos lengyel partnerkeresés
PKN ORLEN is an integrated multi-energy company operating in Central Europe and Canada. It provides energy and fuel to over 100 million Europeans, and our advanced products are sold in over 90 countries on 6 continents. PKN ORLEN aims to strengthen its position as a regional leader in energy transformation by implementing clean and sustainable technologies and energy based on low and zero emission sources. PKN ORLEN's activities are guided by the strategic goal of achieving emissions neutrality by 2050. PKN ORLEN has its own research and development center. The most important part of the complex is the research and development base, which includes the Pilot Hall with an area of almost 2000 m2. The technologically and structurally advanced surface enables flexible construction of research and pilot installations up to 15 meters high. In this way, new technologies and solutions straight from the phase of scientific experiments will be able to enter the testing stage in conditions similar to real production conditions.
The ORLEN Group is currently the most experienced player on the Polish map of biofuel producers. In our production processes, we can use such vegetable oils as rapeseed oil, soybean oil, palm oil, as well as oil mixtures in strictly defined proportions - according to the needs of our customers.
PKN ORLEN is looking for research partners to develop a technology for the production of biofuels, as well as for the development of complete value chains of this type of fuel.
If you are interested in cooperation with Orlen in the implementation of your research project, please contact