National Higher Educational Scholarship 2024/25 Academic year

National Higher Educational Scholarship  2024/25 Academic year

The call of Application for National Higher Educational Scholarship has been announced for the 2024/2025 academic year. Applicants are required to submit the application through a Neptun request.
The request form in Neptun is available between 3 June 2024, 8:00 a.m. – 4 July 2024 8:00 a.m. under the request name: „National Higher Educational Scholarship – 2024/25”.

Only submission through Neptun can be accepted!

Please submit your Neptun request, upload the already obtained documents of your academic, professional and other achivements and the questionaire until 1 July 2024., Monday. At this point it is not a problem in case the semester is not closed yet. This is an important deadline, as the Education Committee have to start evaluating the different activities. Once all your grades are registered in Neptun, ask your student coordinator to close your semester. Education Commitee can calculate with the grades registered in Neptun until 5 July 2024, Friday, 2 p.m. In case there is no averages on the submitted Request Form, it will be sent back for correction. Deadline for submitting missing documents is 5 July 2024, Friday, 8 a.m.

Please read carefully the instructions.


Applications for the National Higher Educational Scholarship may be submitted by students, who

  • are taking part in state-financed (partial) scholarship or self-financed full time Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes,
  • have registered for at least two semesters over the course of either their present or past studies and
  • have obtained a min. academic grade average of 4,50 in the last 2 semesters (2023/24 Autumn and Spring) (precondition of ELTE Faculty of Informatics) and
  • have already obtained at least 55 credits in these last 2 semesters (precondition of ELTE Faculty of Informatics),
  • have registered student status at ELTE in 2023/24 Spring semester,
  • have outstanding academic achievements,
  • have outstanding professional achievements.

The application call is also valid for those students, who are graduating from Bachelor course and applying for Master studies in the current academic year.
Disbursement of the scholarship does not stop in case of studies finished by graduation in January in case of further studies commence continually (Bachelor’s –> Master’s)

The National Higher Educational Scholarship is awarded by Minister of Education according to the proposal of the Faculty.

The National Higher Education Scholarship shall be awarded for a full academic year (10 months). Pursuant to paragraph (1) point c) of Article 114/D of Nftv., the scholarship’s monthly amount shall be HUF 40 000.
The National Higher Education Scholarship awarded for the 2024/2025 academic year shall only be disbursed in the 2024/2025 academic year; in case the student status is terminated or suspended, the student will not be eligible to receive scholarship disbursements.


  1. Please fill in the Faculty’s Questionnaire in Word format (NHES Questionaire),
  2. then copy-paste the relevant content into the Neptun request.
  3. Attachment of certificates are mandatory to be enclosed one-by-one, concerning each and every cases,
  4. Attachment of the opinion of the department/lecturer regarding the professional activities is also mandatory.
  5. It is important to upload at the end all attachments also in ONE file in pdf. format! 
  6. Please name the uploaded documents as follow:
  7. Please save the whole documentation (Questionnaire and the attachments) in a zip file as follow:

Please note, applications are evaluated by the Education Committee of the Faculty - based on only the contents of the questionnaires and the documents (all attachments) bound in the final zip file.

Please pay attention to bind all certificates into the „Attachment” file in the sequence listed below. In case you have questions regarding the filling, submission of the request, please write an e-mail to Ms Bernadett Benczekovits at


Academic studies (I.)

Academic achivements - Academic average
It is required to obtain a min. academic grade average of 4,50 in the last to semesters (2023/24 Autumn and Spring). In case all grades are registered in Neptun, but on the Request Form the average is missing, please ask your student coordinator to close your semester. In case there is no averages on the submitted Request Form, it will be sent back for correction. Education Commitee can calculate with the grades registered until 5 July 2024., Friday, 2 p.m.

Data concerning language exam certificates
Only second intermediate B2, type C and advanced C1, type C language exam certificates, obtained in the application period can be taken into consideration. Please attach only those new language exam certificates which are not registered in Neptun.

Professional activities (II.)
Research activities (please leave it empty. At ELTE Faculty of Informatics, no scores are given for research activities)
Participation, placement ranking in OTDK/TDK conferences
Domestic / international publications, lectures
Competition essays, papers
Other outstanding professional achievements
 (please detail here the professional and academic competitions)
Work experience as demonstrator, at university department

Activities related to public life, sports and other areas (III.)
 Student’s public life activities (AISEC, Student’s Union, organisation of events).
 Outstanding sporting activity, sporting achivements
 Other outstanding social, cultural activities

Criteria of nomination on the Faculty of Informatics


1 July 2024, Monday: deadline of the application by uplodoading all the documentos of the academic, professional and other achivements + the questionair in order to start the evaluation.
4 July 2024, Thursday, 8:00 a.m.: deadline of the application
5 July 2024, Friday, 8:00 a.m.: deadline for submitting missing documents in Neptun
10 July 2024, Wednesday: applicants are notified about the decision via e-mail
25 July 2024, Thursday 9.00 a.m.: deadline for submitting student’s remedies request electronically to the Student Appeals Board at Posting or personal submission is not accepted.

According to the practice of previous years, the list of the candidates approved by the Ministry of Edudation will be forwarded towards the University in September. The list of students, who gained the scholarship will be publisded by the Educational Office of the Faculty afterwards.

Budapest, 30.05.2024.   

ELTE Faculty of Informatics
Secretariat of the Vice-dean for Education