For Students

For Students

♦ Essential student guide ♦

Table of Contents

  • Student Card (temporary student ID certificate, permanent student card)
  • TAJ (Social Security number)
  • The curriculum
  • Prerequisite
  • The fixed group system
  • Registration for the semester
  • Registering for subjects
  • Mandatory attendance at class, administration of clashing classes, exemption from a class with catalogue
  • Prerequisite weakening
  • End-of-semester check list
  • Exam period information
  • Uniquely tailored study arrangement
  • Reallocation
  • Termination of the Student Status
  • Fees
  • Transferring funds to the joint account
  • Obtaining Diploma (Graduation)
  • Obtaining Absolutory
  • Fulfilling the subject requirements
  • Fulfilling the Thesis Consultation subject
  • Internship
  • The Thesis
  • The Final Examination