

♦ Essential guide - Internship ♦

Needed documents:
Együttműködési megállapodás (Cooperation agreement) - in case of a company located in Hungary
Cooperation agreement - in case of a company located in a foreign country
Declaration of Acceptance - from 2023
- example
Declaration of Acceptance (Student Union) - from 2023
Reference Letter about Completion of Internship - from 2023
- example

Accomplishing the internship
In 5 steps

1. Initiating a Cooperation Agreement between the University and the employer

Find a suitable company for the internship:

  • You can choose from a wide variety of companies where you can do IT-related tasks under the supervision of a professional mentor who accepts your supervision, it does not have to a company related to Informatics.
  • In case you would need some ideas we are recommending you few companies, where our students fulfilled their internship beforehand:

Companies for Internship

  • If you find a research project within the Faculty, you can and would like to join, you can accomplish your internship even within the Faculty.
  • If you would rather work through an intermediary company, you can inquire about the available opportunities at the School Association as well.

Important Information!
You may start your internship after the second Active semester in the BSc programme.
Do not leave the selection of your internship place to the last minute! Without accomplishing the internship you cannot sit for the Final Examination or graduate!


2. The employer issues the Declaration of Acceptance which has to be accepted by the University

Make sure to have a valid Cooperation Agreement between the University and the company you will accomplish your internship at:

  • The chosen employer can hire you as an intern if a Cooperation Agreement is signed beforehand between the University and the company or - in case of mediation - with the School Association. A Cooperation Agreement is mandatory, even if you already had an employee legal status at the company before starting your internship.
  • The Cooperation Agreement does not necessarily have to be signed right before starting your internship. Currently, we have already established valid Cooperation Agreements with multiple companies. For further information inquire at the chosen emloyer or via the e-mail address.
  • The Cooperation Agreement is a contract between the employer and the University. You do not have to sign it. Your task is only to make sure that the Agreement is signed and valid before you start to work as an intern. Contact your future superior or HR to initiate the Agreement directly by contacting the University via .
  • The University and the employer are legally obliged to sign a Cooperation Agreement. We recommend you to not to start your internship until you have a signed, valid Cooperation Agreement. In case the Cooperation Agreement does not go through, we cannot accept your internship!  In addition to that, in case of haphazard labour control both - the employer and the university – can be called to account legally.  
  • Until there is not a valid Cooperation Agreement, the employer cannot issue the Declaration of Acceptance.

Important information!
Please note that the date of the Declaration of Acceptance cannot be before the date of the Cooperation Agreement and it cannot be later than the date of starting the internship.

About the Cooperation Agreement

  • By concluding the Cooperation Agreement, the employer acquires the status of a professional internship location, which entitles the company to accept our students for internships.
  • Our students cannot fulfil their internship with an employer that does not have an agreement in force. The agreement must also be concluded in the case of an already existing employment relationship or an internship abroad.
  • The employer does not have to conclude the agreement with the University only if the student wishes to do an internship through the mediation of a School Association. In this case, the University accepts the agreement between the employer and the School Association.
  • Our Faculty currently has agreements in force with hundreds of employers, so we ask our students to kindly inquire about the existing agreements of concluding an agreement with the employer or your educational assistant when starting the administration of the internship.

The administration of the Cooperation Agreement

  • The deadline to submit the Cooperation Agreement 15 days before starting the internship at the latest.
  • We can accept the Cooperation Agreement if and only if it is filled out fully and properly and signed by the person authorized to represent the company in the following formats and ways of submission:
  • In an e-mail in PDF format send either
    • the document with the digital signature of the person authorized to represent the company
    • Signed on paper by the person authorized to represent the company AND authenticated in the AVDH system
  • If the representative of the company signs the document by hand, it is mandatory to have the document stamped. In this case submit two original copies in either of the following ways:
  • Submitting
    • In person: In the Southern building’s Northern reception overlooking the TTK anytime (you do not have to request an appointment). Kindly submit the document in a closed envelope and write the following note on it: 

To Krisztina Orbán Educational Assistant

  • By postal services (with advice of delivery service only) to the following address:

Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Informatikai Kar
Tanulmányi Hivatal, Orbán Krisztina
1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/C, 2.316/A

  • Of the documents received as a hard copy the University keeps an original copy for the Archives, the rest will be delivered by postal services (with advice of delivery) to the employer after the dean has signed it.


3. Starting the internship

Submit the Declaration of Acceptance form issued by your future employer:

  • By submitting this declaration your future employer (company) lets the University know, that it would like to hire you for an internship within the framework of the Cooperation Agreement. The University has to accept the place of internship beforehand, therefore the declaration has to be submitted before starting the internship either by you or by your future employer!
  • On the declaration form, the company declares the timeframe of your planned internship and what kind of tasks you will get, who will assist you in the implementation of the tasks.
  • The declaration will not be accepted automatically by the University. The University consents that you accomplish your internship at the chosen company only if the University finds that the company fits the requirements. Do not start your internship before you receive a feedback e-mail that your Declaration of Acceptance form has been accepted. If your form gets denied, your  work will not be accepted as an internship. If you start your internship before your Declaration of Acceptance gets accepted you risk this. 
  • Send the document to e-mail address or the university’s  postal address. If you send the Declaration of Acceptance form, it will be sent back to your employer after the representative of the University has signed it. You will be informed regarding the status of your Declaration via e-mail, once you receive the e-mail feedback you may start your internship.

The Declaration of Acceptance

  • The internship has to be announced to the University in advance.
  • The Declaration of Acceptance is an official way for an employer to let the University know its intention to employ you as an intern which the university accepts/denies.
  • The Declaration of Acceptance has to be submitted to the educational assistant 15 days before the start of the internship at the latest. The vice dean of Education will sign the document before the start of the internship.
  • Keeping track of the deadlines and the arrangement and coordination of the internship place and schedule is your responsibility.
  • Submit the Declaration of Acceptance in a single .pdf file to the educational assistant with
    • a digital signature or
    • as a document filled in on paper signed with a digital authentication or
    • as a document filled in, signed and stamped on paper and scanned (there is no need for the original hard copy for the administration)


4. At the end of internship the employer issues the Reference Letter

Accomplish your internship

  • To accomplish your internship you have to work at least the following working hours:
    • Bachelor of Computer Science: 320 hours
    • Master of Computer Science, Master of Computer Science for Autonomous Systems: 240 hours
  • As a Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship holder, you may work 30 hours/ week during the study term, 40 hours/week out of the study term.
  • The internship does not need to be done continuously; if required, the 320 working hours can be completed in 2 separate parts, even with 2 separate employers.
  • The employer confirms the completion of the internship to the University on the Reference Letter.

The Reference Letter

  • Submit the Reference Letter as a single .pdf file to the educational assistant. The original document is not needed for the administration, the signed and authenticated form scanned in colour is suitable
  • The deadline to submit the form is the 30th day after finishing the internship, BUT in case you intend to graduate in the same semester, the deadlines are the following:
    • the 5th of December
    • the 31st of May.
  • If you complete your internship during the holidays or in the exam period, in case the Reference Letter submitted by the 31st of August the internship will be registered for the Spring semester, in case the Reference Letter is submitted by the 31st of January, the internship will be registered for the Fall Semester. 
  • If you do not submit the Reference Letter within the 30 days deadline, the Education Office will transcribe a late fee every week until the form is submitted (3000 HUF/week, maximum 30 000 HUF)

Please note!
The accomplishment of the internship can be administered only in case of an Active status in Neptun!


5. If everything is correct, the University accepts and administrates the accomplishment of the internship

Submit the Reference Letter

  • On this form, the employer verifies how long you worked for them as an intern, what tasks you were given, and how you completed them. You must also evaluate your own internship work on this form.
  • Based on the employer's and your assessment, the University decides whether it can accept the internship as a performance.
  • The Reference Letter has to be sent to the educational assistant via e-mail or to our postal address either by you or your employer.
  • You will not receive the document back, after signing it, it will be sent to your administrator, who will administer the accomplishment of the internship in Neptun. At the end of the exam period check your Neptun, the administration of your internship has to be completed by then.
  • You do not need to inquire about the acceptance of the Reference Letter. If everything is in order, we will automatically notify you of its transfer to your administrator after its acceptance. If something is wrong, we will let you know.
  • Make sure that the reference letter arrives at the University no later than the 30th day after the end of the internship! If you send the document later than this, the University will charge a late fee based on the current fee schedule. If it is too late, it may even happen that we will only be able to administer the internship for the next active semester.