
The prerequisites

♦ Essential guide - Weakening the prerequisite(s) ♦

What does prerequisite mean?
A prerequisite is a preliminary requirement of a subject that, if it is not fulfilled, you cannot proceed on the subject that is built on it (follow-up subject). We distinguish two kinds of prerequisites: strong prerequisites and weak prerequisites.

The strong prerequisite

  • Strong prerequisites are prerequisites without which the the follow-up  subject cannot be taken in the next semester, and the follow-up subject can only be registered for after the prerequisite subject has been fulfilled.
  • Imagine a pyramid: in order to climb to the top of the pyramid, you have to climb its building blocks one by one in order to reach the top.
    This is also the case with the prerequisite: you cannot register for or fulfil the follow-up  subject (the top of the pyramid) until you fulfil the prerequisite subject (the building blocks).
  • If you try to register for a follow-up subject without having completed the prerequisite subject(s) or  its administration, Neptun will automatically deregister you from the subject. You will find the prerequisites for the subjects in the your curriculum in the Prerequisites column, strong prerequisites are not accompanied by additional separate indications.

The weak prerequisite

  • Weak prerequisites are those prerequisites where the prerequisite and the follow-up subject can be taken in the same semester, but the follow-up subject can only be fulfilled after the prerequisite has been fulfilled. If you do not fulfill the weak prerequisite, the follow-up subject’s grade will automatically be failed/unfulfilled (even if you had passed from the follow-up subject’s exam!).
  • Imagine a locked door: you can only pass through the door if you have the key. In this case, you can cross the follow-up subject (door) only, if you have a key to open the lock (fulfilled prerequisite subject).
  • If you registered for the follow-up subject in the semester, but you cannot fulfil it in the given semester due to the unfulfilled prerequisite, the follow-up subject will not be counted into the maximum 3 subject registration/subject limit during your studies (in sense of termination of student status).
  • You can find the prerequisites for the subjects in the your curriculum in the Prerequisite column, weak prerequisites are accompanied by the (weak) supplementary annotation. If a subject has a theoretical (exam) and a practical (practice) subject as well and they are offered as two separate subjects, with two separate subject codes, then the practical subject (practice) is a weak prerequisite of the theoretical (exam) subject offered in the same semester.

Markings of the prerequisites in the curriculum.

  • You can find the prerequisites of the subjects in the Prerequisite column of the curriculum, the strong prerequisite is not accompanied by any annotation, while the weak prerequisite is accompanied by the (weak) note.

Prerequisite weakening
You can find the prerequisites of the subjects in the Prerequisite column.  

  • For example, the Object-oriented programming subject (IP-18fOEPROGEG) is the prerequisite of multiple subjects (Programming technology, Telecommunication networks, Compilers)
  • Until you do not fulfill the Object-oriented programming (prerequisite) you won’t be able to register for the follow-up subjects.
  • Before the beginning of the semester check your curriculum, especially the prerequisites of the subjects you would like to register for!
  • You may request an exemption from the requirement of fulfilling the prerequisite of the subject beforehand via the prerequisite weakening request.

Prerequisite in the BSc in Computer Science curriculum

Prerequisite weakening request 

  • With requesting prerequisite weakening you will be able to „weaken” the strong prerequisite of the subject, thus you will be able to register for the strong prerequisite and the follow-up subject parallelly, in the same semester. This however also means, that if you do not fulfil the prerequisite subject then you won’t be able to sit for the exam of the follow-up subject. In case you have a successful exam from the follow-up subject, it will be considered invalid and the grade „Unfulfilled” will be added in Neptun.
  • The Prerequisite weakening request (can be submitted in the final semester of your studies with the approval of the lecturer and the head of the department).
  • Please note that in case you have already registered for either of the subjects you  requesting the prerequisite weakening request for, you have to pay the related fee:
    • registration for the course for the 2nd time (3000 HUF)
    • Registration for the course for the 3rd time/ 3rd + time 7000 HUF

The related fee will be transcribed by your administrator in Neptun.