Credit transfer

♦ Essential guide - Credit transfer ♦

  • If you have studied at another university, you might choose to ask for the acceptance for subjects you previously completed there. 
  • Let the international coordinator know your intention for Credit Transfer in the Preregistration Period (until the end of the registration period, see the Academic calendar)​
  • ​Usually, a subject can be accepted if it has a similar number of credits and mostly similar syllabus as the subject you would like to be accepted as via Credit Transfer. You will have to submit your transcript of records, and the  syllabus (description of the subject materials and topics) of the subjects you fulfilled at your previous university. These have to be official documents issued by your previous university and if they are not in English, you have to submit an official translation as well.​
  • In general, e.g. a maximum of 120 credits can be transferred for the BSc programme and 80 credits for the MSc Programme. If you accept subjects from the same program (e.g. re-admission), then the credit limit does not apply.​
  • You have to fill out the Credit Transfer form​
  • HERE is an example of a correctly filled out form (the parts to be filled out by the student are emphasized with red)​​

Instructions for filling out the Credit Transfer form

  • Check your curriculum at ELTE Faculty of Informatics.​
    Compare your previous and current subjects: the syllabi of the subjects, weekly hours and number of credits. Min. 75% of the syllabus (content of the subject) has to match with the syllabus of the current subject.
  • Multiple previous courses can also be counted into a single subject of your current curriculum and vice versa.​
  • In the case of compulsory elective subjects: list the completed subjects on the left side of the form and write only „ Compulsory elective subjects” on the right side of the form with similar credit values. For the BSc in  Computer Science programme, max. 23 credits of compulsory elective subjects can be accepted.​
  • In the case of Elective subjects: list the completed subjects on the left side of the form and write only „Elective subjects” on the right side of the form with similar credit value. For the BSc in  Computer Science , max. 10 credits of elective subjects can be accepted. In the case of Elective subjects, submitting the syllabus is not required.​
  • The credit value of a subject cannot be divided.
  • If the number of credits value is not used at your former university, add the weekly hours instead.
  • Documents to be submitted to the the international coordinator ( 
  • Credit transfer form in docx (name the file in the following format: Name_NeptunID_Credittransfer.docx) – it should be a normal docx file, not locked / encrypted​
  • Credit transfer form in pdf (name the file in the following format: Name_NeptunID_Credittransfer.pdf)​
  • Official transcript (name the file in the following format: Name_NeptunID_Transcript.pdf)​
  • Official syllabi (description) of the relevant subjects (name the file in the following format: Name_NeptunID_Descriptions.pdf)​
  • Send every document to the international coordinators via e-mail from your registered e-mail address until the deadline.
  •  If you need help, the Training Coordinator will get in touch with you about the preliminary evaluation of your request, and if necessary, some modifications will be made. After that,  you can submit the final documents to the international coordinators​
  • The submitted forms will be evaluated by the Faculty's Credit Transfer Committee, who will make the final decision. The whole process usually takes few weeks, during which you can already attend the classes that you would like to take, and later we will handle the Neptun registration.​