Programme Structure Planner - Computer Science BSc

♦ Essential guide - Programme structure planner ♦

Reviewing the curriculum and progress, choosing semester subjects is not easy. To ease this progress, we created the programme structure planner, with the help of which you can plan your semesters, see how the possible unfulfillment of a subject or its postponement to a later semester will affect your studies or the expected time of graduation. If you keep track your studies from semester to semester, you can avoid slips due to heedlessness or individual prerequisites, uneven semester load . .​

Keeping track your educational advancement is your interest and responsibility! 

The curriculum planner is an unofficial recommendation that helps to understand the logic of the sample curriculum. It highlights the importance of prerequisite subjects, thereby assisting with smooth registration and progress. We do not take responsibility for any errors that may arise from the missinterpretation of the curriculum network found here! Always check the prerequisites for subjects in Neptun and the announcements from the Education Office.​

The purpose of the website is to assist in visualizing the interdependency of subjects. The site displays the fulfilled subjects, currently available subjects to register and their dependencies. We recommend that you check not only the prerequisites when rescheduling subjects, but also the overlay subjects.​

The site offers the following curriculum-related actions:

  • moving objects to another semester: dragging the box of the object to another column (drag and drop)​
  • more information about a specific subject adding and deleting compulsory elective and elective subjects​
  • adding and deleting semesters ​
  • transfer of a compulsory elective subject to an elective subject and vice versa ​
  • marking the completion of the internship​
  •  more information about the current curriculum​
  • Changing of the curriculum​

When planning your studies, consider the following:

  • Set the fulfilled subject to green (completed), the system will only allow the registration for the follow-up subject this way.​
  • For subjects with a weak prerequisite, set the weak prerequisite to yellow (enrolled) first, then register for the follow-up subject that is built on it.​
  • In the case of subjects with strong prerequisites, the system does not allow the registration for a strong prerequisite and the follow-up subject in the same semester, so if you fail to fulfill a subject with a strong prerequisite, you must move the follow-up subject to the semester when the follow-up subject is offered the soonest* setting the prerequisite subject to yellow (enrolled) beforehand. If the follow-up subject is a prerequisite of a subject for a later semester subject, the situation is the same: you must move the entire chain two semesters* later (proceed from back to front!).​
  • At the bottom of the planner, you will find the credit values ​​of the subjects you have registered for (enrolled) and the Fulfilled subjects (fulfilled) Completed subjects aggregated and by semesters, as well as the sign deginitions necessary to understand the planner.​
  • In the upper left corner of the planner, you can select the sample curriculum for your specialization.
  • In the upper right corner, you can add subjects and additional semesters to the planner.
  • By clicking on the buttons at the bottom of the page, you can reset, save the draft on your computer or load a previously planned schedule.

Good to know!

It is worth updating the planner at the end of the semester and reviewing it at the beginning of the semester.

Before starting your well-deserved rest, check your end-of-semester tasks for a stress-free start to the semester!

*As a general rule, autumn semester subjects are only announced in autumn, and spring semester subjects only in spring. The majority of first-year subjects are an exception to this. Inquire about the subject announcement and the possibility of a possible exam course at the announcing department or the lecturer.​

End-of-semester check list

Before you start your well-deserved holiday, please dedicate a few minutes to check your studies and evaluate your advancement to start the next semester stress-free. ​

Please check the following: ​

  • Did all your grades get administered (properly) in Neptun? 
    • Neptun > Studies > Gradebook​
    • If you experience an error in the administration of your grades during the exam period: please contact the relevant lecturer​
    • If you experience an error after the exam period: Neptun request > Form of Complaint Concerning Grades
      Deadline: The first Friday after the exam period ​
      In the event of a problem, failure to submit the application voids your complaint.​
  • Do you have a subject that you registered for the 3rd time and did not fulfil?
  • You have to submit an Equity Request: Neptun > IK - Equity Request towards the Dean of the Faculty
  • Do you have a subject you registered for previously but did not fulfil and you would like to register for the subject again in the upcoming semester? 
  • Transfer the  fee for the registration for a subject for the 2/nd/3rd/3rd+ time to the joint account.
  • Do you have an unfulfilled subject that is a strong prerequisite of a subject and you would like to register for both - the prerequisite and the follow-up subject- in the upcoming semester? 
    • You will need a Prerequisite weakening request, you can find the description of the process HERE + transfer funds for the Registration for a subject for the 2/nd/3rd/3rd+ time fee to the joint account
  • Do you have debts?
  • Check Neptun > Finances