Registration for subjects

♦ Essential guide - Registration for subjects ♦

Planned Registration for Subjects = A Stress-Free Start to the Semester

A step-by-step guide

Check your Curriculum:

  1. Highlight with different colours the subjects you have already registered for and completed, and those you have registered for but have not yet completed.
  1. Choose subjects for the semester (approx. 30 credits recommended per semester, considering the recommended semester of the subjects)
  1. Check the prerequisites of the subjects you would like to take!
  • Is the subject offered this semester?
    1. Yes: No further action needed.
    2. No: Inquire about offering an exam course on the subject at the department .
  • Does the subject have a strong prerequisite?
    1. Yes, the prerequisite fulfilled: You can register for the subject.
    2. Yes, but the prerequisite is not fulfilled: Register for both the prerequisite and the follow-up subject this semester, submit a prerequisite weakening request, and pay any applicable fees(Second registration for a subject / Third and any additional registration for a subject).  If applicable and relevant, request an exam course.
    3. Yes, there is, but you do not want to/cannot register for the unfulfilled prerequisite this semester. Without fulfilling the prerequisite you cannot register for the follow-up subject; therefore, you will have to register for the prerequisite and the follow-up course in an upcoming semester.
    4. No prerequisite: You can register for the subject.
  • Is there a weak prerequisite for the subject?
  1. Yes, there is: register for the prerequisite first, then for the follow-up subject.
  2. Yes, there is, but you cannot/do not want to register for it. You will not be able to register for the follow-up course as without fulfilling the prerequisite you will not be able to complete the follow-up subject.
  3. No, there is not: You can register for the subject.
  • Are the lecture (exam) and the practice course offered under the same subject code (the subject code ends in EG)?
  1. Yes: Register for the practice course first, then the lecture course (the course code starts with 90).
  2. No: No specific action needed; as for this, you can register for the subject.
  • Are the lecture (exam) and the practice offered as two different subjects under different subject codes (same title, codes end in E and G)?
  1. Yes: Register for the practice subject first, then for the lecture subject.
  2. No: No specific action needed; as for this, you can register for the subject.
  • Did you register for the subject in a previous semester?
  1. No: No specific action needed; as for this, you can register for the subject.
  2. Yes, but prerequisite not fulfilled: Transfer the fee         for the 2nd/3rd/3rd+ time registration for the subject (if you could not fulfil the subject due to the unfulfillment of the prerequisite, it will not be counted into the maximum number of registrations for subjects regarding termination of student status).
  3. Yes, but not completed the subject for another reason (other than the prerequisite): Transfer the fee for the 2nd/3rd/3rd+ time registration for the subject.

Tips for Registering for Subjects

  • Use Preregistration: Register during preregistration to get a higher ranking point.
  • Check your ranking: Half a day before ’The cut’ check your ranking status in your Registered subjects’ list (Subjects/Registered subjects menu). If your ranking is higher than the maximum headcount limit, Neptun will drop you from the course (this is the so called „cut”. Consider registering for another course or subject instead. You had better reschedule your timetable.
  • Check your Neptun messages regularly: You will receive Neptun messages if you have been dropped from a subject or a course.
  • Make sure to provide in Neptun an e-mail address that you check regularly (My data /Personal information) so that you can receive notifications regarding Neptun processes and receive messages from the Education Office.
  • Ensure to have enough funds in your joint account for the 2nd/3rd/3rd+ time registration fee for the subject (if relevant), so you do not have to deal with your finances in the study term of the semester. If you have debts in Neptun, you will not be able to register for exams.

Registration for Subjects

At the Faculty of Informatics the registration for subjects consists of 3 phases:

1st phase – Preregistration

  • Registration for a subject in this phase does not mean actual registration
  • The departments will use this information to set up groups for the subjects and courses and set the headcount limits. In this phase of registration for subjects, your task is to register for subjects you definitely want to take in the semester, thus indicating your intention to attend the subject. After the Preregistration period, Neptun will close for a week to evaluate the applications.

2nd phase – Ranking Registration Period

  • With your registration, you will set up your actual schedule for the semester.

The registration is based on two criteria:

  • Ranking Sequence: You can see your ranking sequence in Available courses. At the end of the registration for subjects period, the so-called ’cut’ will drop students who registered for the course, but whose rank is too low (your ranking point is too high) and will not fit in the course’s maximum headcount limit. If you see in Neptun that your ranking sequence is higher than the maximum headcount number, the system will drop you from the course during the cut. In this case, register for another course of the subject if needed.
  • Lucky Point: If several students have the same rank and the number of students on the course exceeds the maximum headcount limit, the lucky point – a ’random’ number set up by Neptun – will decide who gets accepted based on the following criteria:
    • This number depends only on the code generated by the Electronic Educational System (Neptun code), the training period, and the unique identification number of the course.
    • If a student deregisters from a course and then registers again, they will receive the same lucky point.
    • The expected value of the place of every student in the sequence generated by the random numbers will be the same.
  • At the end of the registration for subjects period, the so-called ’cut’ will drop the students who registered for the course, but whose rank is too low and will not fit in the course’s maximum headcount limit.

3rd phase ­– First-Come, First-Served Registration

This is the last chance to register for the available spaces in the courses. In this phase, the registration for subjects/courses will take place first-come, first-served in the order of registration time, regardless of ranking.

Additional Information

  • For subjects with practical (practice, subject codes ending in G) and theoretical (lecture/ exam, subject codes ending in E) parts under different subject codes, always register for the practical part first, then for the lecture.
  • Regarding combined subjects (subjects with codes ending in EG), always register for the practice course first, and then for the lecture course.

Late Registration for/Deregistration from subjects

Useful information

  • You can request late registration for/deregistration from subjects (registration for deregistration from subjects after the subject registration period) only in the 2nd week of the semester and only in case of credit transfer. Please keep track of the deadlines.
  • Semester-Specific Subjects: When registering for your subjects, please note that autumn semester subjects (odd-numbered semester subjects) are offered only in the autumn semester, and spring semester subjects (even-numbered semester subjects) are offered only in the spring semester. The 1st and 2nd-semester subjects are offered every semester except for Object-oriented Programming (IP-18fOEPROGEG) and Algorithms and Data Structures I (practice IP-18fAA1G and exam (lecture), IP-18fAA1E).
  • Unavailable Subjects: If a subject is not offered as per the curriculum, you may request an exam course with the approval of the department to which the subject belongs.
  •  You can request late registration for/deregistration from subjects (registration for/deregistration from subjects after the subject registration period) via a Neptun request:
    • Request to be registered for a subject after the subject registration period,
    • Request to be deregistered from a subject after the subject registration period.

Step-by-Step Registration for Subjects in Neptun

You can register for subjects in Neptun via Subjects > Register for Subjects menu. Choose the current semester and your curriculum from the dropdown menu, then click on List subjects.

Make sure you register for subjects in accordance with your curriculum.
(The subject codes follow the subject codes in the curriculum.)

  • The list of the available subjects for the semester will be available below. Choose the subject you would like to register for and click on

  • You can double-check the courses you have successfully registered for in the Subjects > Taken courses menu.


Troubleshooting Registration Issues

If you cannot register for a subject,

  • you have not registered for the semester yet;
    Set your status to active.
  • there is no registration for the subject period;
    Check the Academic Calendar.
  • you have outstanding debts in Neptun;
    The system will not allow you to register for subjects until you fulfil your debts.  You will be able to register for subjects as soon as you have fulfilled the transcribed amount. You can check your finances in Neptun > Finances menu.
    We recommend keeping funds in your Neptun joint account for unexpected situations expenditure and emergencies.
  • you have not met the prerequisite of the subject;
    If you have not completed the strong prerequisite of a subject then you cannot register for the follow-up subject. If the subject you would like to register for has a weak prerequisite, register for the weak prerequisite first.
  • you have exceeded registration times;
    You have already registered for the subject 3 times, but you have not completed it.
    The registration for a course has an extra charge which is transcribed by the Education Office. If you have already registered for the subject 3 times, but have not fulfilled the subject, you can request additional registration from the dean via Neptun (IK-Request for Equity from the Dean)
  • the subject is not offered in the current semester.
    Check your curriculum for semester-specific subjects. The subjects of the autumn semester are offered only in autumn, whereas the subjects of the spring semester are only offered in spring. The exceptions to this rule are the majority of the 1st and 2nd semester subjects which are offered every semester.

Exam Course Information

What is an exam course?
It is an exam opportunity for you to retake a lecture course which you registered for in a previous semester, but you did not complete it and it is not offered in the current semester.

You can request an exam course if

  • you have already registered for a subject, but the subject is not offered this semester;
  • it is not a combined subject (subjects with the subject code ending in EG) which you haven't fulfilled its practice of. In this case your request for an exam course will be automatically denied.
  • you have not completed the lecture (exam) or exam course;
  • During the assessment you obtained a „Fail” or „Unfulfilled” grade, you have not passed the subject
  • you registered for a subject and its weak prerequisite in a previous semester parallelly, but you did not pass the prerequisite subject; therefore you automatically could not be assessed for the follow-up subject;
  • you abandoned the subject: you registered for a subject, but later during the semester you abandoned it and did not attempt to complete it;
  • in the case of subjects which are not combined assessment subjects and the subject requirements are to be fulfilled by an exam;

You can request an exam course with the lecturer in charge at the department where the subject belongs

As the exam course indicates that you are retaking the subject, the related fees will be transcribed by the Education Office during the study term.