Mandatory attendance, clashing classes

♦ Essential guide - Mandatory attendance, clashing classes ♦

Mandatory attendance at class, administration of clashing classes, request for exemption from a class with a catalogue

  • Every student must attend the classes of practice subjects;, i.e. a practice class cannot clash with another practice class. If they do clash, you have to change your schedule.

For BSc in Computer Science Students

  • In the BSc in Computer Science training programme, Attendance is mandatory for all registered courses, i.e. both  lectures (exams) and practices.
  • Exemption is possible for students at least 4.0 credit index average (request via a Neptun: (Application for exemption from attending lectures). The deadline to submit the request is the second Friday of the study term. If you do not reach the expected average, your application will be rejected.
  • Even if the application is accepted, we recommend attending lectures. If you are absent, you may miss the quizzes set to be completed during the lecture.
  • After the deadline, it is not possible to submit the request (neither online nor on paper).

Resolving Class Clashes (for BSc students)

  • Compulsory and Compulsory elective subjects take precedence over the elective subjects. If it is necessary to choose between lectures, choose the one which is a higher priority regarding your advancement and curriculum.

Class clashes must be resolved according to the following rules:

A practice cannot clash with a practice; it is mandatory to attend the practice.

Practice vs. Lecture: it is mandatory to attend the practice. Notify the lecturer of the clash at the beginning of the semester. For instance, if a compulsory elective practice clashes with a compulsory lecture, you must attend the practice.

Lecture(exam) vs. Lecture (exam): The compulsory course has higher priority than the compulsory elective course.  If two lectures (exams) clash, you have the right to choose between the lectures. However, you must inform BOTH lecturers at the beginning of the semester about the clashing classes and which lecture you will attend. In this case let the lecturers know the following: your name, Neptun code, which lecture/practice you choose to attend, and who is the lecturer of the chosen class.

At the end of the semester, after the last class, you must prove that you have attended the chosen lecture. The lecturer of the chosen lecture verifies your attendance and issues a certificate of participation, which you must submit to the lecturer of the course you registered for but did not attend. If you do not confirm your participation, you will not be permitted to apply for the exam of the lecture you did not attend.

Those who applied for and received an exemption from attending mandatory lectures due to their credit index average of over 4.0 do not have to take any administrative steps or do not need to submit a certificate to the instructor of the class they did not attend. This request is an opportunity which can be used for administering possible excess absences; it is a discount given to students.

For your academic and professional development, we highly recommend that you regularly attend lectures.