Exam period information

♦ Essential guide - Exam period information ♦

Types of Assessments

We distinguish between theoretical (lecture/exam) and practical (practice) subjects.

  • Theoretical Subjects (Exam/Lecture):
    • Completed during the exam period, usually with an oral or written exam.
    • Attendance of at least 2/3 of compulsory lectures is required unless you are exempted. Without meeting this requirement, you cannot take the exam.
  • Practical subjects:
    • Evaluated based on your performance during the study term.
    • Grades are given in the exam period.
    • If possible, one opportunity to improve a failing grade is provided in the the exam period.
  • Combined Assessment Practical Subjects:
    • Grades are entered in Neptun by January 15 for the autumn semester, or by June 15 for the spring semester.
  • Continuous Evaluation (CP in curriculum):
    •  At least 5 evaluations during the study term.
    • There is no obligation for post-examination for a practice grade.

  • Lectures and Practices with Different Subject or Course Codes:
    There are subjects where the lecture and the practice have two different subject codes (offered as two subjects), while there are others where the subject code is the same, but the lecture and the practice have different course codes. In these cases, you will obtain a practical grade for the practice, and sit for an exam for the lecture. You can only apply for the exam after completing the practice. The practical subject is a weak prerequisite of the lecture (exam).
  • Combined Lecture and Practice (EG codes):
    • One combined grade for both lecture and practice.
    • You must pass both parts (the practice and the lecture) to complete the subject. The combined grade can be a practical grade or an exam grade.

Exam Registration Information

  • First register for the subject in Neptun to be eligible for the exam. Those students can register for a subject’s exam who registered for the subject in Neptun.
  • Maximum 3 exam attempts per subject are allowed in the same exam period (with the exception of postponing the exam). You will be charged an extra fee for the second retake (i.e. the 3rd attempt to pass the same exam in a given exam period); the fee will be transcribed in Neptun.
  • Specific exams may be designated as retake or remedial .exam occasions, for these exams only those who failed or want to improve their grade can register.
  • You can register for an exam, and cancel or change exam dates at least 24 hours before the exam starts, which applies to exam cancellations and signing up for another date (postponing exams) that has the capacity, as well.
  • Absence from an exam without a valid reason is counted as an unsuccessful attempt and is included in the number of exam registrations for the semester, but not included in the number of possible attempts to achieve a grade. The fee for unjustified absence will be transcribed in Neptun.
    Valid reasons are beyond your control or attributed to external circumstances. A justified absence is regarded as postponing the exam.

Request for a 3rd exam

  • If in the the examination opportunity for a subject is guaranteed in each semester - with the exception of the case of postponement of the exam – Typically, you can apply for an exam up to two times. You can apply for an exam up to three times in other cases.
  • If you would like to apply for an exam for the 3rd time when the exam is offered every semester, you can do so by submitting a request supported by lecturer’s approval and a reason for request.  The fee will be transcribed in Neptun by the Education Office).

Exam Registration – How to register for Exams in Neptun?

You can register for exams via Exams > Exam registration menu. You can check the exams you have already registered for via Exams > Taken exams.

Offered Grades

In Neptun, it is possible to manage offered grades as follows:

  • Lecturers can enter offered grades in Neptun from 1 November (autumn semester), and from 1 April (Spring semester) until the first day of the second week of the exam period.
  • You must approve or reject the offered grade in Neptun by the end of the second week of the exam period.
  • Approval of an offered grade is only possible if there is no valid exam registration.
  • If you do not approve an offered exam grade by the deadline, it will be considered rejected.
  • Once an offered grade is entered in Neptun, you cannot apply for an exam in that subject unless you reject the grade. If an offered grade is approved, the exam application will remain prohibited in the subject, so an approved offered grade cannot be changed via an exam.
  • If you obtain a valid exam grade before approving the offered grade, the offered grade will be considered rejected.

Note: This evaluation method is rarely used at the Faculty of Informatics, but may occur in elective courses and at other Faculties.

How to Approve or Reject Offered Grades?

  • You will receive a message in Neptun about the offered grade.
  • Approve or reject the grade via Subjects > Offered grades.
  • Choose ’approve’ or ’reject’ from the dropdown menu, then click Save.

Once saved by the student, the grade cannot be changed.