Fixed group system

Fixed group system

♦ Essential guide - Fixed group system ♦




For Preliminary students

We set up a fixed group system continuously in the 1st and 2nd semesters.

We also register you for the mandatory Hungarian courses (for scholarship holder students, self-financed international students are welcome to join but they can register only in accordance with the available free capacity).

In case you arrive belatedly for the semester due to visa or other vis maior reasons your fixed group arrangement will be reserved for you, you can join the classes online, until your arrival.

All your classes will be considered compulsory, therefore you will not be able to deregister from the subject.

Those who would like to retake the preliminary programme, are free to do so, but let your coordinator know in advance. In case of retaking the preliminary programme, you will be registered for the fixed group subjects. In this case consider that you have to pay the Second registration for a subject fee (3000 HUF/ subject, will be transcribed by the Education Office during the study term.

Please note: you will be automatically registered for your fixed group subjects if, and only if you register for the semester until the 15th of January / the 10th of July. These deadlines also apply for your practice grades to be administered in Neptun. Please check your grades in the Studies > Gradebook menu. You will be registered for the next semester's fixed group subjects based on the administered grades in Neptun. In case you find inaccuracy please contact the lecturer. We recommend you check your grades in Neptun regularly to avoid possible misunderstandings. You will not be registered for those follow-up subjects for which prerequisite(s) grade(s) are not registered in Neptun by the deadline!

For those students who are transferred from another university or attended subjects whose credits they would like to transfer

In case you would like to have subjects accepted via Credit transfer, let your coordinator know in advance, the Education Office will check your Credit Transfer documents, and once they find everything correct,

  •  they will deregister you from the subjects you requested the credit transfer for.
  • from the 2nd semester on you will be not registered for subjects in accordance with the fixed group system, they have to register for the subjects individually themselves

Continuing on to the Bachelor programme

We recommend you fulfil at least the minimum of 18 credits before you move on to the BSc programme. You will be recommended to continue on to the BSc programme based on the subject you have fulfilled. The fulfilment of the Topics in Mathematics (IP-18fPRETMG, 8 hours, 8 credits), Introduction in Computational Thinking
(IP-18fPREFICTG, 4 hours, 4 credits ), will be considered essential and priority.

In case you are not recommended to continue your studies into the BSc programme based on your achievement in the preliminary, you can still do so, but at your own risk. Our professors are experienced lecturers who can evaluate a student's capabilities, their advice is valuable and they wish the best for their students. Consider also, that in case you are a scholarship holder you can lose your scholarship due to bad performance or pay for additional semesters in case you are a self-financed student. In this case, you join the BSc programme at your own risk, we will not register you for your subjects, will not be able to join the fixed group system, and you have to register for your subjects yourself.

Those who were in the same fixed group will continue to stay in the same fixed group.

For BSc in Computer Science first year (freshman) students

  • All first-year students are assigned to fixed study groups with automatic subject registration, with no clashing courses, these are called fixed groups.
  • The fixed groups set up in the first semester do not change, the groups will be carried on in the second semester as well.
  • The set-up of fixed groups is carried out by the Education Office.
  • The Education Office will register the fixed-group students for their subjects in Neptun during the break between the Preregistration and Ranking registration period. No further task needs to be done regarding the subject registration. The schedule of the fixed groups will then become visible in Neptun.
  • It is not possible to deregister from the subjects for which you were registered with the fixed group subject registration. You can request to leave the fixed group system.

For those who will transfer credits via Credit Transfer:

  • After registration for the semester (activation of student status), those who will transfer multiple subjects from their previous training programme via credit transfer kindly inform their administrator that they wish to register for their subjects individually themselves,  and request to leave the fixed group system.


For BSc in Computer Science - 2nd semester students

  • We can register you for your subjects to the fixed group if you register for the semester by the 15th of January.
  • Registration for subjects of the second semester is based on the completion of the 3 prerequisites (Basic Mathematics, Imperative programming , Programming ) completed in the first semester:
    • Those who have fulfilled all three prerequisites, will be registered for all the compulsory subjects of the second semester. In this case, do not register for your compulsory subjects of the second semester at Neptun!
    • Those who have fulfilled 1 or 2 prerequisites, you will be registered for those subjects in the second semester which you fulfilled the prerequisites of. In this case, do not register for the compulsory subjects of the second semester which you fulfilled the prerequisite(s) of in Neptun!
    • Those who have not fulfilled any of the prerequisites, the Education Office will not register you for subjects, you will be dropped out of the fixed group system, you have to register for your courses yourself.
    • Those who did not complete any of the first-semester subjects in the fall semester you must register for this/these subject(s) yourself in accordance with your fixed group schedule.
  • Register for all the additional subjects (compulsory, compulsory elective, elective subjects, etc.) on your own in Neptun.