Social Security ID (TAJ number)

♦ Essential guide -  Social Security ID (TAJ number) ♦

Those full-time students are entitled to the social security identifier and TAJ card (national health insurance) who belong to one of the following types:
Those are regarded as "inlander" who

  • have Hungarian citizenship, and have a permanent accommodation in Hungary, or
  • have "refugee" residence status and have permanent or temporary accommodation in Hungary, or
  • have a "beneficiary of subsidiary protection" status and have permanent or temporary accommodation in Hungary, or

Those are regarded as "foreigners" who have Hungarian or foreign citizenship, who have no permanent accommodation in Hungary but have temporary Hungarian accommodation and who belong to one of these categories:

  • who have a scholarship provided by the minister for 10 or 12 months and have non-European citizenship, or
  • who have a scholarship provided by the minister for 10 months and have European citizenship, or
  • who have a scholarship provided by the minister for 10 or 12 months, and live in a neighbouring country having Hungarian citizenship
  • who have a Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship and foreign citizenship (The Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship program is based on bilateral agreements between the Hungarian government and other countries (see the full list of countries are available here)
    • who are part of the Scholarship Programme for Christian Young People
    • who have FAO scholarship
    • who have come to study based on an international agreement (scholarship is provided by the foreign institution) and have foreign citizenship
    • who are studying in a state-funded programme, and fall under the Act LXII of 2001 on Hungarians living in neighbouring countries (who have Croatian, Romanian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, or Ukraine citizenship and have Hungarian citizenship, or a Hungarian Card or a Hungarian Relative Card)
      who has Márton Áron scholarship 

For more information, please contact the National Health Insurance Fund of Hungary.

TAJ-card request

All entitled foreign students (Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship; Scholarship Programme for Christian Young People, or students from neighboring countries) have the opportunity to request a TAJ card in this case category.

You need to upload the listed documents' colored scanned copy or a photo taken of these documents (we prefer PDF format) in the mentioned case category.

Only those attachments are accepted that are perfectly viewable.

Self-financed students can purchase insurance at the Questura office.

Required documents

1. TAJ-card request sheet

filled out and signed

2. Authorization document

filled out and signed

Both sides of your Letter of Award

issued by

  • either the Tempus Public Foundation (in case of Stipendium Hungaricum and Hungarian Diaspora Scholarship Programme),
  • or the Hungary Helps Agency (in case of Scholarship for Christian Young People)

Passport pages that include your personal data and the date of expiry of the document


Both sides of your valid residence permit

It has to contain ELTE as host institution (back side).

Both sides of your Accommodation reporting form or the copy of the certificate of accommodation (click here for a sample)

 The accommodation reporting form has to be validated by the Regional Directorate of the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing 

PLEASE NOTE! Our students can only go to the CLIENT SERVICE II. Office, at 1135 Budapest XIII., Szegedi út 35-37., Ground Floor (Twin Office Center)

Additional documents required for students from 

Albania, Northern Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia or Turkey

E-104 form

issued, filled out and stamped by the health insurance authority of your home country, issued less than 1 month ago. If you do not have this document, you have to fill and upload the

 Request sheet for E-104


filled out and signed

Additional document required for students from Ukraine


Filled out and signed

Important information

When you fill the forms,

  • print them out first,
  • get a blue pen
  • fill in all the lines by hand,
  • use only CAPITAL LETTERS

This is the only official way, otherwise your application will not be valid, and you have to restart the whole process from the beginning. 

  • from citizens of neighboring countries: Form E 104 (not older than a month), ID or passport) (both the one from the neigboring country and the Hungarian one), Hungarian address card 
  • from EEA nationals: Form E 104 (not older than a month)+Registration ceritificate ("regisztrációs igazolás")+Official address card ("lakcímet igazoló hatósági igazolvány")

According to the Hungarian Law (Tbj. 39.§ (2)), EEA nationals with permanent Hungarian accommodation (at least existing for a year) are requested to pay a flat-rate contribution. From 1st January 2024, the flat-rate contribution amounts to 11,300 HUF/month (380 HUF/day)and entitles to the full range of health care services. The payment of this flat-rate contribution is bound to a Hungarian residence of at least one year preceding the date of registration. E104 documents can be found here.

IMPORTANT! If you do not apply for a TAJ card through the Quaestura Office, but directly at NEAK Customer Service, please bring the document containing your completed TAJ number and the documents required for the application to the Quaestura Office so that we can record all necessary data in the Neptun system! Please note that the TAJ number will remain invalid until the required data are recorded and the TAJ card will not be issued!